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Really enjoying your planet/space generators. May I ask if it's possible to support importing colour palettes, such as from the website;

Supporting palettes would help speed up development when by matching colours between the planet and space generator, plus the game engine.


Glad you like it! Importing palettes could be possible, but not sure what that would look like. Would it select some colors from the palette and apply those to the colors for that planet? I don't think that would look good.

I do like the idea, just gonna have to think of how to execute it. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for considering! I'd say, if you were to execute palette import, the .HEX format looks super straight forward, as it's simply colour hex codes separated by a line break. I guess you could set a hard limit of the first dozen colours (or 9 for Space Gen, and 10 for Planet Gen - or perhaps standardise the two?)

Thanks again, such a cool app.

Oh this is awesome! 

A random button for the pallet would be really nice addition :3

so cool though. i'm loving all the generators you've made <3

Thanks! Random palettes would be really cool, just gonna have to figure out how to make them look good. 

Glad you like all the generators, I like making em.

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Perhaps you could get some inspiration from the tool? I'm sure some research around there might help with that! Or even creating some base palettes like a list of 10-20 to randomly pick from.

Ah thanks for the link, it's some good inspiration, unfortunately I don't think they explain how they generated those colors. I do have a decent way of generating colors and that should be implemented fairly soon. Expect an update somewhere in the weekend I think.

Thanks for sharing.😁

You're welcome. 😊

Thats so cool!!!! Thank you!!!

Thank you!! You're welcome!

I absolutely love this! This is such a handy tool! Great work!

Thanks! Glad you enjoy!


Hey, I absolute love these, they're adorable! There's some really neat shader tricks I picked up reading through the code. I actually tried to adapt a few planet shaders onto ray-traced spheres in Unity:

Thank you, glad you like it! Glad you could pick up some stuff from the code. Your project is really nice, left a comment there also.

(1 edit)

Incredible work!

Thank you!

I was just wondering if I could use this for commercial use and what the default fps is. This is totally awesome

In his source code it says that it's available for commercial use.


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Yep as llimpopo says, it's available under the MIT license, so just use however you want.

Default fps is 60fps, but if you update the time variable at a different interval, the shader fps will change.

Very cool. I am working on a solar system generator and I am using this as the visuals. It would be cool if you added some more things though. Like black holes, neutron stars, etc.

Cool to hear! Nice suggestions, I do want to add some more types at some point, but might be a while though.

This is what I got so far on the space generator.

Nice! Left a comment on your project.

I also added a black hole recently if you're still interested in that.

That black hole looks amazing!

Fantastic and buttyfull. Someone found seed for earth ?? ;)

You found it? I need too

This is really awesome! Great work! I do have a suggestion, not sure how hard the feature would be to implement.  An undo button, with the ability to undo a few times. 

Thanks for the suggestion. Do you mean undo some color changes? Or undo the seed generation? Never really did a feature like that so no idea how hard that would be.

I meant color changes, but seed generation would be neat too.  Or maybe a button to revert to the original color palette, if that would be easier to implement than color undo. I was playing with the color a bit on some planets last night and thought it would be a useful feature to suggest. 

Yeah, it would be a useful feature. Might implement it maybe at some point but probably not for now, thanks for the suggestion though.

For now if you want to go to the original palette you can refresh the page and it should be reverted.

so gud

This is very beautiful and impressive work! And thank you for also giving the source so people can learn :)


Thank you! That was indeed my goal with releasing the source.

This is very beautiful work 


This looks great, I'm not using it myself but I wanted to rate it since its awesome! Good job :)


Thank you!

This is fantastic. I threw you some bucks, so you can keep rocking.
Your thing here actually put Godot on my radar, and im in the process of falling in love with it.

But since i am a complete beginner with Godot and Game development, i am using exported spritesheets for now. How thoughtful of you to include that option. Hopefully in a few months i will understand enough, to be able to include it more dynamically.

Wow, I really appreciate the donation, thank you so much!

Godot is an awesome engine and really nice if you're starting with game development.  Nothing wrong with  using spriteheets instead of the shaders, they each have their own use. Glad you like the option between the two.

Let me know if you want some code from the shaders explained at some point, they can be hard to understand.

Glad you enjoy and good luck on your gamedev journey!

Looks amazing, I've been playing around with this for a few minutes. Probably going to use it for easy fireballs in a project I'm working on! 

Great tool, thank you for making it available

Haha, not really sure how you can make the planets look like fireballs, but good to see people use it in ways I haven't thought of! Glad you like it!

Awesome tool! One of the best planet generator (if not the best).
Thank you!


Thanks, appreciate the nice comment!

Hi Deep-Fold,

I ported your Pixel Planet shaders to Defold game engine. I hope I gave you a proper credit. Please check it out, feel free to let me know if you want me to add anything:



Nice! Haven't heard of that engine before.

Credit looks more than proper to me.  Thanks for sharing!


This is amazing!

Thank you very much for creating this!

thank you! glad you like it!

This is awesome. Honesty the best and most complete Procedural Planet Generator I've come across in terms of it's ability to easily slot it into an already existing project and make use of it.

I made a donation, but frankly you should think about selling this. It actually scales pretty well without pixels. I'm tweaking it a bit for my own liking, creating more high def planets and adding shader params and combining layers. I need to actually wire up specific parameters to specific kinds of atmospheres and that kind of thing to give the player visual cues.

I'm a developer, but not much of an artist and I'm pretty weak in the shaders department so this is saving me an enormous amount of time, and I'm learning quite a bit too fussing with the code.



Thanks for the very nice comment!

First of all thanks for the donation, really appreciate it!

Good to hear you found it easy to use in your project, that was my intention when I made the shaders. Awesome that you are modifying it, let me know if you need any help with the shader code.

Happy that the shaders are able to help you with art and learning!


I may take you up on that. Still a bit early in my process. I'm writing a procedural planet data generator ( so mass, gravity, atmosphere, biosphere, etc ) and I think it will fit like a glove into this shader system.

For example , I can make the clouds yellow when the atmosphere generator returns Hydrogen Sulfide. I'll be sure to link you to the project when it's more complete.

Sounds interesting, I'll look forward to seeing more of your project then!

Here is my first attempt at a planet using your shaders. I'm making a kind of avengers in space game, so I wanted something with a more pen & ink style than pixel art. It looks like the shader scaled. I had to change it pretty dramatically, but I learned alot reverse engineering it. 

I added those polar ice caps, modeled on your shaders, but using textures rathe than in shader noise generation.

Looks good. Great job on the ice caps! I haven't seen the shader used at that scaling before but still looks interesting.

Thanks for sharing!

Wish there was an option for changinig the viewpoint, so you could look at the planet from a different angle. Great tool otherwise

That would be really cool, but with the way the planets are generated currently I don't see a way to do that. Thank for the suggestion though!

Heya - your tool is great! I used it a demo here.

This is freaking amazing, i am reallly impressed with all these tools available! The fact that you can change side, rotation, shadows and more makes unlimited possibilities.

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This is an awesome tool!

I created Unity version (porting from your Godot ver)and works completely.

 Can I publish It( github )?

Nice! Yeah, feel free to publish. Maybe post a link here too.


It's Unity version! 

Awesome, thanks for sharing!

Nice!! Is it also possible to use the shaders directly in a 2D game?

I think it is possible.In the project sample scene, I use this shaders at the 2d images.

(2 edits)

This is an amazing tool.  Well Done.
Suggestion: Being able to generate animated starfields would be amazing - animated spritesheets for twinkling stars in the background

Thanks! that's a nice idea, but I feel like it's a bit out of scope for this project. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Omg this is amazing! I love planet generators. Yours is so good 👏

I absolutely love this program! Well done! I really would like to use this for something, but I'm not sure what yet. Maybe a megagame or something like that?

Man, this is really perfect. I just have a little doubt; Will I be able to use assets for commercial projects?
I'm working on a space exploration game, and that would help me a lot.



Sure, use them however you'd like!


Hi there! I used your asset generation tools in my jam game. They look great and they saved me hours and hours of work. Thank you! You can check it out here if you like:

Hi, thanks for sharing! You made a really cool game with them!

Absolute KING, I love this. 

I'm going to look at the source  rn because  I really want to contribute this project in some way. (need to learn how to write shaders first)

No Man Sky vibes here!

Glad you like it! Take your time to learn shaders, they can be pretty complicated but are very rewarding.

im just wondering if anyone knows if the spritesheet can be used in rpg maker? this would be a really cool addition to a project im working on, but im pretty much a noob to adding new sprites lol

Unfortunately I don't know much about how rpg maker handles spritesheets. You could just try it and see if it works.

its ok :) i instead decided to use it for a cutscene portion of when the character travels to the planets. like ratchet and clank. its not finished but this is what i was able to make with it so far. so thank you for the awesome planets =D

Nice! glad you like em :)

I wasn’t expecting it to look so good, holy damn. I’m definitely going to use this is some project in the future.

Cool! If you do make something with it please share, I'm interested!

Why are you such a king?
Source code included. *bows down*

Haha thanks! Hope you find the source useful!

This is incredible. Thank you!

Glad you like it!

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Greetings Intelligent Being! I am Noob, literally from art to codes, can I use these in my Game Project Commercially? Me Pay as well.

Greetings human :). Sure you can use them, you don't have to pay at all. If you want to though it would be appreciated.


Hey, amazing work!

Any objection if I include your source code bundled in with a tutorial series I'm working on (main focus of the tutorial will be a hex based strategy game but I'd hate to have to strip out your amazing work)

Thanks! No objections.

This is amazing! Can you share the color palette you're using, so we can match it to other art assets?

Thank you! I'm not sure exactly which ones, but all palettes I used are from PineTreePizza.

I think most colors are from Pear36 and Rosy42.

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