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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the amazing jog. I love this tool. 

Please, check out how I'm using them:

Oh nice! Glad it was useful!


Can you increate the output size? 100x100 to 400x400 or something.

Thank you.


Yeah I can do that. I'll probably add that sometime soon.

Would be awesome to see some shining comets with animation like the stars and black holes! I'm using this generator and the possibilities are beyond expectations! Thank you and great work!

Glad you like it! Yeah comets would be cool, maybe I'll add them at some point.

(1 edit)

It looks great, but exporting functions don't works in the Windows version. When I clicked GIF, PNG or SPRITE SHEET there isn't a .gif, .png file on the folder where the program run. I'm very sad 'cause I need a utility like this for my game. :-(

Oh very strange, I just tested it and it seems to work for me. Maybe you could use the browser version if you can't get the windows one to work.


Hi! This is really great! I have a question though. I can't really find any settings where it'll animate nicely like shown in the preview while you're creating the planet, either itll be too jittery or too fast. What settings are ideal for this?

Hm ok, so the planet in the preview makes 1 rotation in exactly 50 seconds. Assuming you have  a 60 Hz monitor that would make for 3000 frames, which is a lot. If you want it like the preview I recommend you use the shaders themselves directly instead of an image.

If you really want an image you could try a gif with 1000 frames and a length of 17 seconds. Or a spritesheet of say 50 frames wide & 60 frames high.  Both of these will take some time to export however.

Hope that works!

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah, I actually need an mp4 or a gif since I thought itd be really cool to use moving images for the important planets in my Lancer campaign as visuals. It actually didn't render ridiculously slow (~30 seconds). Edit: it seems like gas giant 2 gives a lot of grief but the others are reasonable

Your assessment that I needed a way longer gif with way more frames was definitely correct, though!

I would like to try it with 3000 frames as you suggested. Sadly, the game doesn't let me set the amount of frames at a maximum of 1000. Is that limit hardcoded somewhere? (Tho 50 seconds with 1000 frames is a decent result already)


Yeah I think I set a limit, but maybe I put it a bit too low. I guess I could increase it.

this guy is charging people for pixel art planets he's making with this page. Report this to get it taken down

Deleted 3 years ago

I think he can do that under MIT license, unfortunately.


Hey there. I really like the tool, the results are pretty sweet looking. I tried to tinker a bit with the source code but I can't get anything done. Any chance you could increase the max pixel count? I love the look for the planets, but for the stars, I'd like to zoom in quite a lot (to give a sense of gigantism compared to planets) and 100x100 is a bit small.

I've tried messing around with the constants in the code, to no avail. I end up with cutoff images. :(

Increasing the max value of the slider does work, it can make something super well defined (kudos for the generator, it's pretty amazing!), but then I get something cut like in the image below (and the generated gifs/pngs aren't better looking, most of the time they're just empty :p).

Any idea what might be the issue here? I know the code isn't that long, but I'm not too familiar with Godot and I'll be honest, I'm a bit confused. :D


Never mind, I found something that works. No idea why tbh, but it works. :D

I'll definitely include some of the visuals I'm creating right now into my future games, I'll credit you of course whenever possible and I'll let you know if I get anything released to the public. :)

I hope you'll do more generators, yours are really awesome.

Ok, as long as it works haha. Glad you like this generator, I'm definitely thinking of doing more.

Hey, I was wondering if it's possible for you to publish your fix as a fork/PR of this project on GitHub or something. I don't mind if it's a bit of a hack but I'd love to be able to have larger and more detailed planets without having to resize the gifs (it's for a TTRPG campaign I'm dming).

loving the black hole update! 

glad you like it!

planets loolololol br

uh ok, haha.

Wow, impressive!
btw - is it possible to change pixels/gif size to 1000x1000? when I zoom in it becomes blurry :(

Glad you like it!

You mean upscaling to 1000x1000?  I haven't build that into the program, but it should be really easy with image editing software. Just make sure to use no / nearest neighbour interpolation when upscaling to keep the pixels sharp. Hope that helps.

tried with gifsicle - works great! thanks!



Could You add Galaxies and Nebulas? Though they are nothing close to scale of a Planet, It would be Nice.

Maybe, I thought about it before and have some ideas. But no promises that it gets added.

Oh okay, if not its fine, I got one other suggestion, Ocean planet, Nothing but water and clouds. And as a further suggestion, a hurricane for a few of the water planet seeds if it is added.

Am able to buy rights to any planet that I create or will you just want credit if I profit from it being in my game

You don't need to pay for the rights, but would be nice if you give credits.

most certainly will, Thanks.

Can it export svg? 

No, but there are a lot of png->svg converters out there. Also, if you want svg for the scaling the png should also work well, since it's pixelart it should be fine if you scale it times any whole number.

Is there any way to get transparent layers so I can do custom stacking?

Not from the web version. However if you download the source you can disable the visibility of certain layers and then export.

Thank you again for making this!

I used it to make my little clicker game look a little nicer:


Nice, glad you found it useful!

A website called used this

Thanks for letting me know, appreciate it! It's all sorted out now with their devs.

wow, amazing!

glad you like it!

I love the new black holes.

Glad you like em!

Can we use this generator for commercial purposes?

The code is available under MIT license, so yes, you can use it in commercial projects.

Ok, ty!!!

How To Use Spritesheet?


Do  you mean how you use it to animate? That depends on what engine/program you use.


This. Is. So. Cool...

I'm making a rather lore heavy space-themed game and I'm using this to build a wiki for the rest of the dev team!
Thank you so much!

That's really cool! Glad you like it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Very Cool! I am running into one issue though. For most planet types, exporting to sprite sheet the animation is very smooth (25 frames, 10 height) . For some reason when I create a star spritesheet though, it is not seamless when the animation loops back to the first frame. I thought it could be how I was animating it, but other planet types so far seem good. This is one of the star seeds I tried 3806918141

Glad you like it!
You're right, the star was bugged a little. I think it's fixed now, but let me know if it's still broken. Thanks for the bug report!


How do I change The size of the gif or the png?

(1 edit)

You can change the amount of pixels with the slider, but the export is always in a 1 to 1 ratio. You could use whatever image editing program to scale the export. Hope that helps.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks a lot for your generator ! It is outstanding ! This tool help a lot in making a game with a friend.

However, I found this seed (350285000), that seems to be bugged.

An interesting addition would be the possibility to save the configuration.

Hey, glad you like it!
Yeah some seeds are bugged, mostly ones ending in 000. I don't really see it as a problem since there are so many others seeds to use. Thanks for the bug report though.
With configuration do you mean the planet type & color scheme?  Would be nice but I think it's going to clog up the GUI of the generator too much.


Yo ! 

Yes, I think I will make a "mod" for your tool. Only, if you agree with my proposal.

This "mod" will add the save button or something like that. 

This button can save a file that is loadable. 

This file contains all the configuration, including colors, planet type, dither, seed, pixels and rotation.

I want to do this feature because I already made a lot of planets that I lost or exported in wrong proportions. And it frustrates me :)

Yeah sure, you can make that. I released it under the MIT license so you can do with the code what you want. I'm probably not going to add it to my version though.

Does sound like a cool idea, interested in seeing your mod!


Useful and very cool


Glad you enjoy!


Thank you for making this!

It helped me pretty up my jam game's main menu. 👍


Nice, glad it was helpful! Thanks for sharing!


It´s really awesome! any chances of getting a tutorial of how it works/ how it was made? I´m really interested in getting into godot shaders, this kind of wizardry is really awesome, loved it


It's not a full tutorial, but made this reddit post some time ago and that covers most of how it works.  Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot! Now I feel a bit like a wizard too, good work


Love it! I'm making a space RPG and it's perfect for it. Thank you!

Cool! glad you like it.


This is perfect for my new project, thank you for the creation. :)

Nice, interested in seeing what you do with it!


I love It! It's super cool, it's amazing!


glad you like it that much!


You are a wild person, this looks unbelievable!


haha, glad you like it!

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks! Hope your friends liked it also. I get you on the shaders haha, took me a while before I really understood how to write them. Glad you enjoy!


Hi, I am a student, and i wanted to use this and the space background generator, i will fully credit in the beginning of the game and and at the end of the game and also in the presentation, so can you please allow me to use the planets and space background generated by the your project please. Thank you so much for putting it on GitHub also.

Hey! Yeah you can use it however you want. Good luck with your game and presentation!

Since I can't find a way to private message you, I'm just gonna comment on your most recent comment. Sign up for Patreon, I will subscribe to you for about $10 a month. It ain't much, but I am sure other people would too.

Yeah patreon sounds very interesting, I don't really have anything to consistently post though, would have to think about it. Also If you want to message me there are some contact details on my profile page.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a way to integrate the code (not the generated spritesheet) to run with Game Maker Studio 2?

I don't think so. GMS2 shaders are written very different from these ones, so you would have to rewrite them all.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello. This is absolutely amazing. Is it okay if I embed some of your shader code in my game so that I can generate random planets (and others) at runtime, instead of generating huge sprite sheets? If so, I will make sure to credit you.

Hey, glad you like it! And yes that's okay. Post a link or something if you make something with it, would like to see it!

Okay. Thank you very much.


Deep-Fold is it ok if I use some planets that I generated for my RPG, Supernova, so long as I credit you?

Yes that's fine. Interested in seeing what you can do with it!


on even numbers for circle size there is an extra pixel on the top and left hand side, which is probably a product of the circle generator measuring distance from the top-left of a pixel instead of the center. Although this is likely being generated via a sphere. Great stuff though, really like it!

Yes, good eye! I'll try and fix it sometime soon.  Glad you like it!


have a way to integrate this with Game Maker Studio 2 ?

You can export your celestial body as a sprite sheet and then import that into GMS.


This is so cool.

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